WIOT Logo_primary

A Healthy Tasmania Initiative

Healthy Tas Graphic Device


Anyone who identifies as LGBTIQ+ or as gender/sexuality diverse


  • 'R u ok' check-ins
  • Social chats / activities
  • Food / home deliveries
  • Information and news
  • Other

*within COVID-19 public health guidelines


Register above by clicking one (or both) of the links and filling in the form


We will contact you and work with you to get/give support as required

See FAQs for more info


What is Working It Out Together (WIOT)?

WIOT was a special program established initially to help us all cope during the COVID-19 crisis, designed to bring community together to support one another. During the program, a need was highlighted for an ongoing program of support.  

Why is it needed?

LGBTIQA+ folk sometimes have more limited options for connecting with others and seeking support. These may shrink even further with ongoing and ever-changing restrictions.

Uncertainty about whether services and people are inclusive, understanding and respectful can also mean we don’t seek help as often as we should, or that we don’t get the right kind of help when we do ask.

This program provides the opportunity for LGBTIQA+ Tasmanians to support each other – to provide connection, support and assistance that is accepting and inclusive for and by LGBTIQA+ folk.

Who is it for?

Anyone in Tasmania who is LGBTIQA+ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer) or sexuality or gender diverse. If you are under 18, we will contact you about what support or services we can offer.

Who can get assistance?

Anyone who fits into the category above.

What kind if assistance can I get/give?

We can provide the following types of assistance;

  • Regular ‘Are you ok?’ checks by phone, video chat, email, SMS etc
  • Social ‘visits’ by phone, video chat, email, SMS, mail etc
  • Information and support for people to engage in social activities
  • Help with getting and using new technologies
  • Walking buddy
  • In-person chats
  • Pick up and deliver food hampers
  • Pick up and deliver ordered groceries, medications and supplies
  • Dog walking
  • Meeting for a coffee
  • Attending public social events
  • Other – we are happy to take any requests and see what we can do



What it's not

This program will deliver supports of the following kind:

  • Practical
  • Social
  • Informational
  • Linkages

It is not a counselling or mental health support service. It is also not a transport service. It is also not a dating or matchmaking service.

How does it work?

Anyone needing help or able to give help – and you can be both – signs up via the online form on our webpage OR by calling Ani  on 0466 984 775 or our office on 6231 1200 to sign up by phone.

Once registered, WIO will provide you with more information and make a follow-up call to you to discuss your situation, needs, availability etc. in more detail.

WIO will then try to match people needing a hand, with people who have the capacity to assist.

Is it safe?

We have put the following in place to ensure this is safe for everyone:

  • Considering participants COVID-19 risk level and vaccination status and only assigning people to tasks where safe
  • Carefully matching participants with volunteers after consideration and discussion with both parties
  • Having WIO staff available to support all parties involved and available to discuss any issues or problems
  • Ensuring that volunteers have or have applied for ‘Working With Vulnerable People’ cards
  • Not giving out anyone’s personal information without their consent
  • Providing everyone with training on keeping safe during a pandemic
  • Providing volunteers with training on maintaining boundaries, confidentiality, and use LGBTIQ+ inclusive language
  • Requiring all participants and volunteers to agree to our code of conduct
  • Providing opportunity for anyone to give feedback and make suggestions about the program at any time
What if I have issues with the assistance being provided?

Call us immediately. You can call Ani on 0466 984 775, the office on 03 6231 1200 or Lynn Jarvis on 0408 265 045

What if I have feedback or suggestions?

Call us on 6231 1200 or 0455 031 262

Or email wiot@workingitout.org.au to provide feedback or request a feedback form

Who can volunteer?

Anyone in Tasmania who is LGBTIQ+ (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer) or sexuality or gender diverse. This is specifically a peer-to-peer support program.

Who is running this?

Working It Out Tasmania’s dedicated LGBTIQ+ support and education service is running this program with funding from the Department of Health and Federal Government COVID-19 assistance and with the support of our community partners.

How much time do volunteers give?

As much or as little as you have available.

How much training is involved for volunteers?

We will send you links to three short presentations on YouTube as well as written Information Sheets on relevant topics. Each one should take around 20 minutes to complete.

It is also expected that volunteers and participants will monitor any updates to advice and guidelines regarding infection control measures in their local area.

Volunteers will also be informed of optional training opportunities including but not limited to suicide awareness, mental health first aid, and LGBTIQ+ awareness/inclusion training.

What if I don't have a Working With Vunerable People Card?

We will require you to apply for a volunteer card. We will pay any fees involved.

What about other costs I might incur as a volunteer?

WIO will cover reasonable costs such as phone calls, fuel, hand sanitiser etc. Agreement is required beforehand.

Select Site Language

Working It Out and Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania have produced a guide to the rights and protections for LGBTIQA+ people in Australia and lutruwita/Tasmania in multiple languages.

Below you will find translated versions and audio recordings of the guide and a Working It Out flyer, explaining available services.

These resources are designed to ensure people understand the rights of LGBTIQA+ people no matter what their language is.

Safer Together:

A guide to rights and protections for LGBTIQA+ people in Australia and lutruwita/Tasmania

Audio recordings of the above resources are available here.

Working It Out Flyer

Available support services

Audio recordings of the above resources are available here.

Further resources available via the Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania

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